Five ways to make your beauty routine more environmentally friendly

Five ways to make your beauty routine more environmentally friendly

The sustainable beauty space is more powerful than ever! Here at Von Beauty, we know that using sustainable beauty products is a way for us to try and be mindful of our planet whilst trying to be as eco-conscious as possible. This extends to the tools we use every day to look after our hair, beauty and make up needs We want to encourage our community to make conscious choices when it comes to the tools we use on our skin, hair, and body. If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to choose products that are not only good for us but don’t harm the planet, here is our round up of the best ways to make that all important beauty routine more eco-friendly:


Opt for more natural and organic products

We recommend that you look for products made with natural and organic ingredients. These products tend to be better for your skin and hair, and they are also more eco-friendly than products that are made with synthetic ingredients. Here at Von B the main material we use is pesticide free grown bamboo and recyclable materials where we can. Most of our products are plastic-free, and where there are no alternatives, we keep plastic to an absolute minimum.

 mascara wands

Keep your eyes open for eco-friendly packaging.

We all know now that single use plastic is most definitely out! Why not opt to buy products from brands that use eco-friendly packaging, look for packaging made from recyclable materials or that can be repurposed. Here at Von Beauty, we use minimal packaging which is mostly plastic-free (except where required for health and safety reasons). Where plastic is used for our packaging, we ensure to opt for compostable plastic instead.


Support eco-conscious brands

I know it may sound tedious but do your research! Scope out brands that prioritise sustainable and ethical practices. There are so many beauty brands that are now focused on reducing their environmental footprint and using sustainable ingredients. We are proud to say that we are Carbon Positive Certified, this means we offset our carbon footprint as a business but also as individual business owners. We are also proud to partner with Earthly, an organisation that helps businesses offset their carbon footprint and support nature-based climate solutions.


Reduce water waste

How many times do you wash your face a day? Always be mindful of how much water you use when cleaning your makeup off or taking a shower. If you’re feeling brave, why not try turning off the water while you apply your all-important beauty products or shampoo your hair, or why not even consider using a shower timer to help you conserve water.


Start to invest in biodegradable tools

Ditch those regular cotton pads and makeup wipes and try to incorporate biodegradable tools like bamboo cotton pads into your skincare routine. They are better for the environment and to produce them we use a lot less water and no bleach unlike regular pads. Using products like our Bamboo Square pads  will help you feel like you are reducing your impact on the environment whilst leaving your skin feeling soft and silky.

Here at Von B we have created a range of high quality applicators and tools that are eco-friendly and biodegradable - perfect for that all important sustainable start to your beauty routine. Shop all our sustainable beauty essentials here


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